Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recipe For Potato Chicken

A few of my bloggers asked me about this dish which is a MUST for my second son whenever he comes home from college. This is a very simple dish, anyone can try it at home for their kids, I hope they will like it as much as my son does. One dish is enough for him, he always tell me....with one condition, he reminded me, must put more potatoes... he loves them...

5 potatoes, sliced
3 chicken drumsticks (seasoned with salt, soy sauce, pepper, bit of thick black sauce, tapioca flour)
2 big onions, sliced
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
2 teaspoon tapioca flour with 3 tablespoon of water

1) Fry the sliced potatoes first, scoop them up
2) Then fry the garlic and big onions till fragrant and put in the chicken
3) Add in some water and let chicken simmer for 5 minutes
4) Then add in potatoes and let them cook together for another 5 minutes/add salt to taste..
5) When cooked, add in the tapioca flour with the water and then scooped them up...

so it will be more or less like this...
hope u like it!!


  1. this looks delish. chicken and potatoes are some of my fave foods mmmm

  2. My kids and hubby love this potato chicken very much, I at least cook it twice in a month..

  3. Tina, it is one of our favorites too.. easy to cook and yummy as well...

    Sonia, i do this regularly too.. just add one more dish of vege.. and it is enough for us...

  4. I miss this chicken potatoe!! look really good!!

  5. thanks, Beachlover... why not u try doing it..very easy too..

  6. Yummy....comfort food indeed !!!
