Monday, May 10, 2010

A Friday Tete-A-Tete

What do these two muffin remind you of? Yes, Kenny Rogers, my favorite muffins of all times! Last Friday Elin and I treated ourselves to KR in Ipoh Parade during our long hour lunch time. We had a good and touching chat about our kids.... that was a memorable day... kind of sad but then this is life.... we as mothers give birth to our children and one day we have to let them go no matter how much we miss them.....
Ok, Elin... do not worry, u and i are almost in the same boat... our kids are almost the same age and they will leave us one day for their brighter future.. Meanwhile here's to our great meals... lets eat our hearts out heartily...

we must do this more often...
Eating is Bliss...


  1. In time all birds must leave the nest - provided they have survived the many obstacles in life. There is a great deal of variation in how independent the young are once they hatch from the egg. Like me,I had left the nest for 10 years and I'm finally back to be with my old folks...

  2. Very long time never go fr KR. Preferred Nando. Cant explain why. hahaha

  3. aw... sweet post about our kids growing up. I wish I had a plate a food before me right now just like the ones in the photos!

  4. kenny a bit expensive leh and sometimes hor the chicken very small piece nia hahaahahahhaa

  5. Claire: I used to work near a KR and always enjoyed the food.

  6. Those look so delicious..

    I can't relate to your feeling about our kids growing up and leave home..I have two that already away from you, and I had to learn to accept the circle of life..

  7. Yes, eating is bliss. We'll have to accept that one day our kids will leave home for their own ventures and future. I always take some time to adjust when they're home for their holidays and then when they leave, there's always a lump in my throat. I prefer Nandos to KR. Pity they don't set up shop here in Ipoh.

  8. Claire..we must do this often. Let's invite Cheah the next round :)

    Ya I know I have to let go but the pain is there lo...cannot describe...there I go teary again :p

  9. erm...look nice, maybe is time to shift to Kenny rogers (i'm prefer Nandos)
