Monday, July 20, 2009

Mother & Daughter Bonding In Jaya Jusco

My girlie and I looked at each other, "Ok, where to, today?" This is a very common question between both of us, either she suggests or I have to and both must agree then only we can proceed...

What am I babbling about? hahaha... of course , our meal... where to go for our dinner today? Then she suggested Jaya Jusco since she wanted to buy some "gift" for her friend's birthday..

These days ever since her brother left for college, both of us are closer in a way, Mother and daughter bonding, as I so called...

Upon reaching, we walked around, looking for food that would attract both of us and eventually, we ended up in the food court, I felt like eating claypot rice and she wanted to take some "yong tau foo."

this was what she ordered...

my claypot rice...

of course not as nice as those selling outside..
but still edible, with generous filling of chicken pieces..
and a piece of salted fish....