Sunday, October 4, 2009

Home Cooked Dishes At In-Laws

In my Caring Blog, I posted my Mid Autumn Dinner at my own mum's place... but this dinner here was held at my in-law's house, a week before the actual day. My sister-in-law is a good cook, she does all these by herself, in fact on every occasion, she will cook as much as she can, including cheese cakes and desserts... I really salute to her!

The next special occasion will be in December, of course, none other than Christmas... she suggested doing some real western food this year... Well, I am sure she will do them just fine.. and all I do is to wait anxiously for the day to come (hey, I do the washing up, u know...)

a dish the kids love... fried chicken

roasted duck

steamed chicken

stewed trotters with raddish

mixed vegetables

fresh lettuce to go with the meat

duck satay

chicken fish ball soup

the abundant food!
Thank God for His Provision


  1. Wow...she cooked all those delicious dishes all by herself....I salute to her too! Lucky Reana!

  2. Your SIL cooked all these? I'll call here Super Cook!

  3. That's amazing. She cooked all that herself. It looks wonderful!

  4. i cannot help but laughing as i scrolled down the pics....bcs they make me VERY HAPPY!!!!!! :)

  5. I never seen DUCK SATAY before!!! So special. Is it nice?

  6. She is really a good cook, even cook the roasted duck, for me, I will just buy from outside shop.

  7. yeah, my SIL is a super cook.. chinese new year, more dishes la.. these are just half of what cny dishes... salute to her too!

  8. wow all those food can be sold!

    Look at that fried chicken! Roast duck! Steamed Chicken, Trotters Gosh! I am hungry all over again!

    Yummy food... I want my share please :D.

  9. add another dish... laksa sarawak

  10. Haven't tasted duck satay before! Is it nice? I hope the meat is tender! : )

  11. duck satay was given to me by a friend.. it has its spices... i grilled them in the oven.. more on the kunyit taste..yes, tender and not tough.. but if there is satay sauce, then nicer..
