Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kitchen Equipment

In another few years time, I have thoughts of retiring for good. What will I do next? Well, what else to do but to travel, right? But of course provided that I have extra cash, lol.... My colleague and I always have this conversation on what we are going to do when we retire. She is almost same age as I am and when she retires, she has plans to open up an eatery shop, more of a cafe sort of style. She is very enthusiatic about it and I feel the excitement with her as well because she is a very good cook and will make a good chef one day.
We are planning to do a smaller scale first, maybe start with a cafe and if everything goes on smoothly, we can expand. We will need a lot of cooking equipment and a kitchen that is like a convenient store where all utensils are within reach. Most important is the portable induction cooktop and we need to search for more information on these kitchen equipment before we really sit down seriously to start our business. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. :) Where are you planning to open your cafe? :)Don't forget to post the location when it's all settled down.
