Wednesday, June 17, 2009

King Of The Fruits

My favourite fruits is none other than the King Of The Fruit, ie the Durian. The season is not here yet so at this time, the durians are still costly, they count by kilos... but when the season is here, they will be sold cheap without weighing. My kids and I love durians but we don't eat in big quantities, as long as we have a few seeds, we are easily satisfied.. hahhaa...

after taking durians, try to take more of these
cooling fruits to "contra" off the heatiness...


  1. looks like it is durians everywhere! Gasps! It is like calling out to me! "come eat me... come eat me..."

    Must resist! lol.

  2. local fruits are best right? tropical ones..

  3. Oh! I love durians! It is my no.1 fruit!! I normally eat mangosteens or drink coconut water after eating durians to counter the "heatiness".

    Gosh! I must go and buy some durians tomorrow! : )

  4. wow the durians look good! =)
    hevent been eating it for quite some time.. haha..
